CDE Lightband Renewable Energy Resource Information Center

Electricity is one of the most carbon friendly energy sources available, and new carbon free sources of electricity are now more available than ever.

Photovoltaic panels (solar panels), wind turbines, battery energy storage devices and other technologies commonly referred to as Distributed Energy Resources (DER) have become a more integrated part of electric power delivery. According to the Energy Information Administration (eia), the use of renewable energy is expected to continue growing.


If you are ready to start the process of interconnecting your own distributed renewable generation system to the CDE Lightband distribution system, then please follow this step-by-step guide.
Please remember that no distributed generation system can be operated in connection with the CDE Lightband distribution system until all of these steps have been completed.


If you’re interested in investing in renewable energy for your home or business, you are not alone. The eia predicts that the trend toward more renewable energy generation will continue. In Clarksville TN alone there are now more than 160 individual solar arrays.

CDE Lightband is committed to fostering the adoption of new electric technologies and to efforts toward environmental sustainability. CDE has two utility scale solar projects in development that will produce a combined 15 million kilowatt hours annually. That’s enough renewable energy to power more than 1,000 Clarksville homes night and day.

For individuals interested in installing solar arrays CDE provides consultations and safety inspections through the CDE Lightband Energy Services Department. In order to understand the potential of solar power for your home or business CDE can analyze your hourly energy usage data and help you to make an informed decision. For more information contact our Energy Pros.

These are a few frequently asked questions about renewable energy generation:


Question: Will a rooftop solar array power my whole home?
Answer: It’s unlikely. Rooftop solar can be a great option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. But due to the nature of energy use in the home and the energy production of solar panels most homes will always need to use some energy from the electric power grid.


Solar arrays produce power during daylight hours and that energy is used in the home as it is produced. If excess power is being generated by the solar array during the day, that power can be transferred back out to the electric grid or stored in a battery for later use. Even with batteries, most homes do not store enough power to run HVAC systems and other appliances over night and so they rely on power from the electric grid. This graph demonstrates the typical 24 hour profile of an average Clarksville home with solar panels and a connection to the electric grid.

In this example an average size (7.4 kW) rooftop solar array generates power during the day (depicted in green). A 5 kW, 10kWh battery (depicted in purple) picks up load as the available solar power decreases in the evening and all of the remaining power is supplied by the electric grid (depicted in blue).


Question: Will installing solar for my home or business save me money?
Answer: Whether installing solar panels will reduce overall costs depends on the specific circumstances of each individual home or business. As your trusted energy advisor, we can help you explore your options and determine whether solar energy is a good fit for your household. CDE Lightband can help you access your hourly energy use data and run cost benefit analysis for your specific energy use profile. We provide this service at no cost to our customers, but we suggest that customers get multiple opinions before making any investment decision and that CDE Lightband’s advice not be the sole determining factor in any such decision making process. If you’re interested in this sort of cost benefit analysis contact our Energy Pros.


Question: What is CDE Lightband doing to advance renewable energy?
Answer: CDE Lightband is currently developing two utility scale solar projects for a combined 6.75 MW of solar capacity which will generate an estimated 15 million kilowatt hours of carbon free renewable electric power annually. These projects are made possible by CDE Lightband’s partnerships with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and utility scale solar developer Silicon Ranch.



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